I'm sorry I haven't replied to the last few chapters...I've been busy at work. However, it appears that I missed quite the discussion. My take on the conclusion to the "Fool Kent" operation was that it was typical Lois. She made a devious (and workable) plan, and jumped right into it wholeheartedly. Once she was in the situation, however, she was beyond that part of her brain that had been ruling her actions up to this point--the false idea that she loved only Max and that Clark meant nothing to her. Her real feelings, thus freed, came to the forefront and she was swept away, taking Clark with her. He was careful to give her an out, but when she seemed determined to forge ahead, he went with her (as he always seems to do).

I wasn't super thrilled with her callous actions the next morning, but by that time she was having to deal with the strong emotions generated from the night before conflicting with her equally strong belief that she loved Max. I was proud of Clark for really listening to what she was saying rather than getting hurt and going off to lick his wounds. He challenged her, and it made her even more confused (and, therefore, more determined to stand by her original belief that she was in love with Deter--ugh).

I was surprised that Star actually made progress with Lois, but I'm glad you didn't drag that out in a painful way. They've already been tortured plenty up to this point. Star gave Lois a needed outside perspective.

I also enjoyed Lois' take on the diaries, especially given the fact that she now knows the truth about Max.

How clever, of you, however, to have arranged yet another necessary revelation of Clark being Superman. Hopefully, he won't shy away from the topic and confuse her even more.

Looking forward to the next post.

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."