Lovely story, Dandello. How sweet that Clark would buy Lois a Christmas ornament after saving her life and handing her the evidence for a Kerth award-winning story. Love at first sight, indeed. It also gives another dimension of meaning to Clark's gobsmacked look in the pilot. laugh

“And that’s why the other Lois didn’t make it. Her Clark wasn't there to save her,” Lois said. “Oh, Clark… she died because he wasn’t there.”

“Somehow I think Mister Wells has that well in hand.” He moved in to kiss her again.
I love happy endings for Alt-Clark. I hope that Clark is right and that Mister Wells finds a Black Pimpernel or a Watcher for Alt-Lois as well. BTW, will we be seeing that story from you? Let me be the first to request it. Please? grovel


P.S. You may want to change to the blue arrow icon -- I almost missed your story.