It's not clear that Lex has a 'thing' for Lois Lane. Mostly Lex is perplexed. First Lois makes this big scene at the White Orchid Ball, obviously trying to get an interview with Lex. Then Superman shows up and Lois loses all interest in everything and everyone else. Up to this point we're mostly in line with cannon. Because this Lois is busy interviewing Clark Kent and then chasing down Superman and persuing the Messenger investigation by herself (remember she doesn't have Clark at work), she never tracks down Lex for an interview. Then she publishes the definitive Superman interview and Lex starts calling *her* for an interview, but she's not available (because she's already got a date with Superman, though Lex doesn't know that). Lex is not used to being turned down for a date, even if it is in the guise of an interview, so at this point I think it's mostly an ego thing--who the heck is so important to Lois Lane that she doesn't have time for *me*?

And, since he's The Boss, he has minions to spare and can therefore afford to use some of them to satisfy his idle curiosity. evil

Glad to see that FoLCs are still reading. I'm aiming for Friday for the next part.

Michael, honestly, I pulled the name "Marnie" out of a hat (metaphorically, not literally). I wasn't even sure it was a real name. Spellcheck doesn't recognize it. wink

This *is* my happily ever after.