Yes, Kathy, I was tickled that you caught the little detail about Caleb's jacket being left behind. wave

Michael, maybe Lois shouldn't be worried about a 27 yr. old and a 19 yr. old, but emotions aren't rational. And 27/19 is not quite as untenable as 23/14. At least in the U.S., a 19 y.o. is legally an adult (except for drinking alcohol, which is the only thing you have to be 21 to do). Fourteen, on the other hand, is definitely still childhood.

I see we have competing desires about Lois figuring out Caleb's secret identity. Do we want a Lois and Clark story or a Lois and Caleb story? I think Kathy's right that Caleb needs a little more substance to him and Clark provides some of that. But Queenie wanted to see Lois and Superman together, not Lois and Clark. Read on to see whether my solution works for you.

Part 14 coming right up.

This *is* my happily ever after.