I must echo the previous posters. This is a very good alternate take on the beginning of the relationship. There are so many ways this could go, it's not possible to list them all. And you're laying the groundwork so openly and skillfully that no matter which of those directions you choose, it will make sense.

I like this Lana. She's cool, confident, sure of herself, yet she doesn't take herself too seriously, nor does she seem to think too highly of herself. Same goes for Pete, her well-matched husband, although your Pete character doesn't have to overcome your "gentle readers'" (nice phrase, by the way) preconceptions of his character like Lana does. Pete and Lana seem to know that without Clark, they wouldn't be in the positions that they occupy, yet they're operating as his friends and partners, not as sycophants or simple yes-men. I like these two.

And I like the fact that Clark knows about Luthor before he even meets Lois. I also wonder if Lois will do some in-depth research on Clark before the interview and ask him how he gets all his inside information. And maybe Luthor will give her an interview just to keep up with the Joneses - er, the Kents. And Martha? Is she going to show Clark the blue-and-red suit first, or is she going to show him the Duckyman outfit and the Speedy Delivery suit first and save the real suit for later? Or maybe he'll have that tight-fitting shiny black NK suit. Wouldn't that take attention away from his face!

Like I said, so many possibilities. Next part soon, please?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing