Yay, another part so soon, and it's the weekend so I could read it as soon as I saw it there! It was beautiful. clap So pleased Lois and Kal got chance to talk some more. I grin constantly throughout the Lois and Kal scenes.

Perry would be proud of her.

He’d nagged her for years to *feel* her stories more - to delve beyond the cold detail and allow her heart a little freedom.

How strange that it had taken living in the most stolid place imaginable to release her emotions enough that they penetrated her work.
Kal is having the same effect on Lois' writing as Clark. Just one of the many subtle reminders they are actually one and the same, just in a very different set of circumstances. He's awakening her heart just as she is his, though neither is of course fully aware of the effect they are having on the other.

Just the thought of uncovering a bad guy had teased her investigative juices out of hibernation.
Uh oh - watch out Kal.

There was such electricity when they were reunited after the fourteen long hours, both feeling equal amounts of butterflies and I just love the simplicity of their mealtime ritual. It's as though they have been doing the same for years.

Low-iss took a small mouthful of food and chewed it slowly as she stared at the plate. She didn’t want to look at him - which confirmed Kal's suspicions that asking her to do it again had been a mistake.

“What was that called?” Kal asked quietly.
They already know what the other is thinking.

“Because it’s something you don’t do unless you’re sure the other person wants you to.”
She has yet to spell out why people on earth kiss each other, but Kal is beginning to understand even if he doesn't realise it. And he's definitely sure he likes it!

I just love how you show that such simple, often throwaway, words can change the meaning and enhance a conversation so much, and how strange it seems when the new-kryptonians don't have any comprehension of words such as 'please' and 'thank you'. As a result, when Kal uses them the meaning is heightened as if he is really making a statement.

“S-orry,” Kal said. “S-mile.”

“Good,” Lois said. “What other word do you want to learn?”

“The word for smile with sound.”

Lois chuckled. “Laugh,” she said.

“Laugh,” he said. “It is so good when you laugh.”

His simple candour was enchanting.
These scenes are so enchanting! sloppy

He grinned suddenly. It wasn’t a smile. It was a bona fide grin ... boyish definitely ... a little lop-sided ... and appearing to have been sparked by something within him ... something light-hearted.
A fantastic boost for the male-ego he doesn't realise he has! wink

Still grinning, Kal’s eyes trained on her mouth and then his forefinger followed his gaze – until the pad of it landed softly on the centre of her lips. He hesitated, then lifted it, turned it and brought the same pad to his own mouth.
Aww! sloppy

Kal is taking the lead this time, being much more forward. Well, forward in the context of their tender innocent relationship. He is so keen for another kiss.

Lois felt like she was being pulled into a whirlpool. She knew she had to break away. She had to speak, had to pull back from the vortex. If she didn’t, she would be helpless. She would kiss him. And if she kissed him ... even once ... she … they … he … “Well done,” she said, her voice low and rough.

His throat leapt. “Thank you,” he said, equally low and rough.

“You’re welcome.”

Kal stood abruptly. “I have a meeting,” he informed her. He picked up the forgotten plate with its cold food. “I’ll see you for supper.”
Argh - so close!! He'll never get any work done.

Her *not* kissing him had infinitely greater capacity for chaos.

Just a side note. It has much more to do with my falutly imagination than your descriptions but no matter how I try I still picture Kal in the black costume with the blue 's'. I don't know why, I wasn't even a particular fan of that costume. I think it's the best way I can imagine him without my traditional view of 'Clark' getting in the way. I have no trouble picturing Lois in whatever outfit you put her in.

Anyway, can't wait for what the next part has in store.


"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)