Hey, everyone!

This is part one of the first serious piece of fan fiction I've ever written - or at least, it's the first one I got beaten into a shape I deemed good enough to be seen by others. There's an unknown number of chapters still in the making - all I have right now, beyond what I already posted, is an outline of where I would like the story to go in the long run.

The idea for this story was sparked by another story-in-the-making I read on these boards - Zenith, by clrgard - and I'm thankful to clrgard for letting me run with what is basically the same premise and have a swing at it myself.

Now, there are a few specific questions I'd like to get answered about this:

  • Do you think the way this story is told is in-character for Lois/Clark respectively?
  • Does the style (constantly changing perspectives, first-person point of view, ...) work for you? If not, is there something you think I could do to make it clearer/more appealing?
  • Do you find any part of this story boring to read? (I'm in doubt, particularly, about the last scene, where nothing much really happens to progress the story - either within this specific chapter, or in the bigger scheme of things - except that it ties off some lose ends left over from the episode this story spins off of).

I realize these may be questions better addressed by a beta-reader first, but since I'm new to this community, I figure the best way for me to find someone willing to help me with this is to just throw what I have out here and see who's at all interested.

Of course, all feedback that goes beyond the scope of the questions I posed - good, bad or ugly - is also welcome, if you're willing to give it. And when I say 'good, bad or ugly', I really mean all of those. I would love to have people praise what I've written, but I strongly believe that when a story is still shaping up, it's much more useful to know what didn't work than to know what did. I'd be eternally grateful to you if you could take the time to say anything at all; even if you hated every word of it.

You can gaze at the stars, but please don't forget about the flowers at your feet.