Hey, y'all! Thanks for reading and/or commenting. The final chapter will be up very soon, but I wanted to respond to a few people first.

Iolanthe: Yes, I picked that phrasing deliberately. I wanted to make sure that everyone knew that Lucy had no idea what Clark could do away from the sound board.

Sarahg: Lucy's getting sneaky in her old age. No telling what she might do to Clark!

Incidentally, I had originally written that nocturnal visit in chapter 22, but something about it didn't set well with me. It also took Lois' reactions to the impending separation from Clark from the "show" category and put them in the "tell" category, and that's usually not the best way to go. So my muses gave me the hotel room scene with Lucy and Lois. I think it worked a lot better than the first try did.

Robinson: Thanks for the kind words! The final chapter is almost posted, but thanks partly to the gentle readers, I have noticed that it doesn't resolve all the loose plot points. I think there is enough left over for another story involving the Mountaintops.

Michael: After their experience with Townsend in the prologue, they ought to have learned something. And they're as well protected from Luthor as any band can be protected against an unscrupulous promoter. Whether or not it's enough - we'll have to wait to find out.

And Toni may be more sympathetic in this story than in the show, but she's still a gangster at heart. She's just trying to keep a low profile while she rakes in her ill-gotten gains.

Thanks for the props on Lucy's line! She's got something sneaky up her sleeve. We'll see if she can bring it off.

Off to post the final installment!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing