
That was hot.

And I agree with the previous posters on at least two things (probably many more, but I won't waste the space). The action plot is taut and well-presented, and the suspense is palpable. And the tension of the romance plot is fed by the action plot but isn't overwhelmed by it. In fact, they're linked very logically and reasonably. Both Clark and Lois are behaving in character, right down to Lois' reaction when Clark told her that he loved her.

I'm with Ann, too, on Lois' possible reaction to this night of passionate bliss. She might take any tiny thing Clark says or does and misinterpret it, not to mention how she'll view his disappearances to appear as Superman - even if he's dedicated himself to watching over Lois. He'll have to tell her, assuming she doesn't figure it out on her own, and then we'll see some real angst!

Great story, Rac. I'm thrilled that you have time to write again, and I'm happy that your muse seems to have returned with all powers intact. Looking for the next chapter!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing