Wonderful! And so much here...
“You think my powers will return,” he guessed.

Lois nodded. “It’s who you are.”

“Will you be disappointed if they don’t?”

“For you, yes. For me, no.”
This was the perfect reply. It's exactly what he needed to hear.

Later, I particularly enjoyed this part:
“Clark, I still don’t fully understand why you expected I would be unsure about marrying you.”

Her words made him surprisingly uncomfortable considering the intimacy they had just shared. “It’s not that easy to explain.”

Lois smiled. “That’s OK.”

He brushed back the lock of dark hair from her cheek. “It’s just ... you’re so perfect. You’re so ... you’re everything I’m not – daring, intuitive, independent, passionate, fiery ... beautiful, sexy ...” Clark glanced away. “I thought my powers balanced the ledger a bit.”
That's very correct for this Clark. He hasn't had the time and experience to grow confident in himself as "just Clark". It didn't occur to me that he was struggling with self-doubt if "just Clark Kent" was enough for Lois.

Very nicely done for this section and the overall story. I am looking forward to the next part even though the title and your description have an ominous feel to them.
