Very nicely done. Another well-written story from the talented keyboard (and fingers?) of one of this fandom's better writers.

As everyone knows, I don't care about the kids, but I did like the dynamic between a Lois who has had to become the lead in the family and the job while Clark was gone, and Clark's new somewhat timid and insecure personality.

Watching the to of them slowly growing back together was very satisfying. Are they full circle yet? Probably not, but there is no doubt that the iconic love is there and as strong as ever.

I also like how you never took the easy way out of letting Clark's powers come back conveniently to be able to save the day. The small bursts of powers that he was able to use, then lose, worked very logically. Given what he went through, it is logical that the powers will take a long time to fully come back, if they ever do. It wouldn't be at all surprising if they never fully came back.

An enjoyable read.

Tank (who was beginning to wonder after such a long break between parts)