Evil? Moi? Couldn't be!

Karen - loved hearing your theory in IRC!

Sara - LOL! Love the translation!

Cookiesmom - great theory!

Sarah - ditto wink .

JD - aw, but I wanted to hear the rave! And of course! She's Martha!

Sheila - glad you got caught up! Get a brown paper sack and breathe in and out...

Female Hawk - not after passing out from radiation poisoning. After finding Lois naked in his bed with another guy - maybe wink .Er, or something like that.

Michael - tell me how you really feel!

Happy girl - here mousey mousey! I'm having great fun with this little romp as well!

Tara!!! - /me hides pitchfork

Look for next post here shortly as I have a lot of work to do tonight smile .
