
This was just as good as Shockwave. (I've never read Deja Vu. Is that on the archives?)

One small type - You have the title listed as "Deja Vu", instead of "Deck the Halls...", up at the top of your story. Speaking of the story,

“Yeah, and it’s not like Clark and Lois haven’t been caught,” Linda added. “Just yesterday Perry was talking about . . .”

“Hey, would you look at these decorations!” Lois interrupted, waving at the decorations.
I can just see Lois doing that! LOL

Lois looked over at Jimmy, seeing the disappointed look on his face, knowing from experience what he was feeling. She walked over and put an arm around his shoulders. “Come on,” she replied. “We’ll make them some hot cocoa; I’m sure they’ll be wanting it when they get back.” Jimmy reluctantly accepted the offer and headed off to the kitchen with Lois.
Awww. Lois has been there. Ironic, given how mad she was not to have been told, that now she is (one of the ones) keeping the secret from Jimmy. Will his relationship with Linda continue to develop? Will he be let in on the secret? Many questions.

Your old lady was a riot.

She glanced at Supergirl, her expression looking stern. “And did anyone ever tell you that your skirt is too short, young lady? Aside from your obvious lack of moral fiber, you’re going to catch your death of cold!”

“Actually, being invulnerable helps minimize my ability to catch any form of infectious disease,” Supergirl replied.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster