Lunkhead Clark is right. Because marriages-of-friendship always work so well. :rolleyes:

OTOH, I kinda see why he's not telling Lois about Superman. Lois is jumping to conclusions so quickly, when does he have the time?

But more than that, I don't think Clark has really made peace with the fact that his powers are gone. I would guess that it is far more comfortable for him, emotionally, to distance himself from Superman even more than he usually does. Combined with his "I'm just an ordinary guy now" bit, why would he tell Lois? After all, that's his past now (or so he thinks wink ). It's over and done with -- classic denial symptoms. laugh

Anyway, I really enjoyed this part, especially the end. Awwwww. <sighs happily>

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun