Let's see, where to begin?

Loved Clark's characterization of Lois.

“I don’t see why you have to feed it,”
Then, when Clark uses objectionable language, Martha corrects him.

“I don’t care how long you’ve been standing upright to piddle, you will not use that language in my house.”
I very nearly hurt my face laughing.

And how cool is Martha?

“See? See? I told you,” he said, immediately leaping from his chair when she walked through the door. “Well?”

Martha frowned at his sudden restlessness. “She certainly is…”

“Rude, right? Stuck up? Obnoxious?”

“I was going to say gorgeous,” Martha replied, starting to pack up the leftovers and turning her back to him so he wouldn’t see her smile.

“Mom! How can you even say that?” he asked, betrayed.
But everything's not peaches and cream at the Kent household. Jonathan's not there and Martha is doing this favor for extra money.

“On the other hand, fifteen thousand dollars for taking a spoiled brat through a few weeks worth of chores ain’t that bad.”
That's a lot of money. I wonder if she knows about Lois' dual identity (nice touch introducing the secret identity concept this way). I also wonder where Ellen is. Did she and Sam divorce or did she die (as Jonathan apparently has)? If so, is there an opportunity for senior romance here? That would certainly be original. It might also be a wonderful chance for the youngsters to show how much they've grown during the weeks of Lois' incarceration and torture.

And Clark and Lois are going to get along like two bobcats in a burlap bag. The fur is going to fly, especially when Lois tries to milk old Bessie. (You are going to show us that, aren't you? Pretty please? With chocolate sprinkles?)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing