[BTW Terry - if you read this - you said something about a fic being almost ready for a beta... would that be the Road story? /asks here in case Terry missed it in the other thread.../
Sorry, no, it's a different one that almost demanded to be told, one which only needs one more chapter (or maybe two - this one has grown exponentially since I wrote the outline). But I haven't forgotten the "Road" finale. I've been working on it, but negotiations with the director and some of the major characters are kind of at a standstill at the moment.

/end personal note

Aw, you didn't use my title suggestion! "Eureka" would have sufficed very well for the closing scene of this chapter, don't you think? "Look! We're discovering something!" But "Slowly Falling" is good, too, and maybe it means that Clark and Lois are going to fall in love all over again, this time a bit more slowly. And we don't know if Lois is pregnant, but it wouldn't surprise me. In fact, it would surprise me if she isn't, given your recent fic-history. Of course, if she's not pregnant, it means that her visit probably isn't for the purpose of picking up where they left off, and wouldn't that be interesting?

Next chapter, please? I want to know who Clark is flirting with!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing