Thanks guys!

More family drama ensuing... /sigh/

Karen - me evil? Couldn't be! You're thinking of someone else!

Bob - don't cry! More coming up!

Patrick - good question...

Sheila - would I do that? Seriously?

JD - [and Sheila] - I rock? Thanks smile .

Michael - yeah - he's been a bit of a blabbermouth a couple times lately. And yes, Chad's been around, and so is Chris Davis in another WiP!

Amy - I'll add it back in, but I think she's suggested it and the Kents have avoided it...

Amber - remember? Does he need to?

lovesuper - just keep swimming swimming swimming. What do we do we swim swim swim.

Female Hawk - glad you're enjoying it!

AnKS - you mean you don't blame me either?! Whew!

Coming soon to a boards near you: Chapter 14.
