
Okay - back with FDK smile .

Or FDK on FDK...


Iolan - glad you liked it smile .

BETHY!!!! Thanks for the kind words here and in chat!

JD - I loved the 'Other Side' stuff too!

Sue - thanks!

Karen - yes it is, isn't it?

Marcus - yes, they could but the only person who would do that is... well... Tank...

James - thanks!

Elisabeth - I bet James is fun wink . I agree - having Perry there was good for her.

Tank - yes, I think you would lie! But I'm glad that you liked it anyway.

Artemis - thank you. Not sure where that came from but I giggled at it...

Bella - thank you!

Ann - glad you read it and liked it!

cp33 - thanks!

Terry - thank you for your post in the other thread that helped inspire! And thank you for the wonderful compliments!

Michael - thank you!

Nan - yes it is. Happy endings are good smile . So more Degrees of Separation is coming right?

Oneredneckgoddess - thank you so much!

Thanks again everyone!!