I loved this part and I'm *really* glad that you brought them together.

I was worried when Dan showed up at the hospital. I didn't think anything would come of it, but since Clark couldn't visit, I thought Lois might be vulnerable. This:
I broke up with him. I think it was amiable but I knew I’d never hear from Daniel Scardino again.
was quite satisfying.

The letter was FABULOUS! It's nice to see Clark stop acting like a bozo and own up to his feelings. I was also very glad to see that he came clean that it was low to blame Lois for what happened to Mayson.

I'm surprised that Lois went several days at home without seeing him. But, she had a big decision to consider and it's probably better that she took the time to make sure she at least thought she was ready for what was to come.

I did like that it was the act of taking a question for Lois that served notice to the world that things had changed. I had the impression from the earliest chapters that the "I won't take questions from Lane" issue had been one of the core things that led to her self-image problems. I like that it was Clark that had to make the concious act to call on her. This was a good scene.

And finally, a public kiss. Honestly, that caught me completely by surprise. I liked the scene very much and the addition of Henderson at the end was inspired.

Very nicely done! clap
