Well, if Lois had any residual affection for Lex, it's gone now. Knowing that her husband is responsible for the deaths of a number of people is far different from actually seeing him commit a cold-blooded murder. That shot not only killed the AWOL soldier, it killed any chance that Lex might have had to play on Lois' emotions.

The kiss was pretty intense, wasn't it? I can't help but think that part of Lois' intensity and focus in that kiss is that she has such a huge hole in her heart from the impact of Lex's betrayal of her on so many different levels. Her mind isn't trying to latch onto Clark as a replacement for Lex, but her heart is. And although we are ultimately in control of our emotions, they often pull us down paths which we wouldn't choose if we were clear-headed.

Nice insight into Bobby Bigmouth's character, too. The revelation that he feeds his homeless (and therefore invisible) network of informants speaks volumes about him, as does his use of that information to work behind the scenes for justice. He's a nice guy after all.

I understand why Lois needs to take Lex down directly. He all but overwhelmed her and pulled her into orbit around his gravity well (a black hole, I would think) and she's trying to right herself and regain her own orbital path. She might be the only one who has ever crossed Lex's event horizon and escaped, not to mention lived to tell about it. Of course, the others didn't have super-help.

You were right, this is starting to move quickly. I look for some fireworks coming very soon.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing