Goody! Another part!

I agree with those who pointed out how descriptive the flight was. Have you seen America from above?

His squeaky-clean background and adherence to the rules leaves him particularly vulnerable to getting caught doing something illegal, whereas breaking and entering is my specialty.

I square up in front of him and poke him in the chest with my finger. “That’s right; Bureau 39 has a meteorite that can hurt you so I’m going, too. Besides, we’ve already established that you’re a chronic rule-keeper. I have a lot more experience with covert snooping than you do.”
I cracked up when I read this. It's so true! Clark, as you get to know Lois, you'll realize that you shouldn't even bother to try to keep her out of the story.

“Superman has an image to uphold, but two nosy reporters are a little easier to explain.” I pull two sets of gloves and balaclavas from my pack and hand one to Clark. I giggle at his horrified look. “Of course, not having to explain is even better.”
Great! Lois is thinking, here. Much more sensible than in canon where they just waltzed in with no disguises and with no attention paid to the security setup.

“Clark, I’m not leaving without the computer files. Besides, how long do you think Trask will leave your ship here once they know we’re on to them? This might be your only chance.”
This is good. I always hated, how, in the show, Clark lost his spaceship from lack of opportunity to take it away. Lois knows the secret, and she knows how Trask would think, so it's great that she insists that Clark get the ship first. Plus, of course, she needs the files!

Huh, we’re dressed in black and have balaclavas over our faces and no one blinks an eye. I love this neighborhood.

He drops to his knees at the bedside and wraps his hands around mine, still holding the water glass. His eyes are full of anxiety. “I’m so sorry, Lois. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Clark's worst fear - hurting someone with his powers. And it's got to be worse that it's Lois. Fortunately, a false alarm.

He smiles like I’ve just given him the best Christmas gift of all time and I can’t resist smiling at his enthusiasm. Before vanishing through the door, he leans over to kiss me on the cheek and I can’t help but feel like he’s given me the perfect gift right back.
Oh, that's so romantic!

“Come on, Jimmy. I tell you all the time that you do good work. Well, some of the time. At least twice, all right?”
And this is so Lois.

No one steals from me and gets away with it. I want those responsible found and dealt with severely. Now, I have a press conference to attend. Do I look appropriately troubled?”

“Practically distraught, sir.”
And this is so Lex.

Excellent flirting, too! This chapter has got it all - action, villains, romance, tender moments, flirtatious banter, and a semi-cliffhanger ending! Please post more soon. I can't wait.