Another great part!
After another moment of indecision, I place my hands flat against the wood and press to my right, sliding the panel softly aside far enough to look into Clark’s bedroom. Clark is sitting on his bed with his head resting in his hands, his shoulders slumped in defeat.
His life is over, thinks Clark. His worst nightmare (well, maybe not quite the worst) upon him. Lois Lane, journalist, LNN producer, knows his secret. It'll be out in the world media tomorrow.

“I was so excited,” he says. “I even told my parents about working with you. ‘Gee, Clark, do you think that’s wise? What if she figures you out?’ They warned me to be careful, that it was dangerous to spend so much time with you, but did I listen? Of course not! I mean, no one else has put it together. Surely I can fool Lois Lane.”
I love this rant. He's actually channeling the Lois babbling here.

“And how fast can you fly us to Metropolis?” I ask, ignoring his suspicious look.

“About twenty minutes, more if we take our time. Why?”

A slow mischievous smile creases my face. “Trask is probably half way to Metropolis by now. How do you feel about a little breaking and entering before he gets there?”
I can't wait for the next part!