Had some last minute edits that held up 29 peep

AnKS: I'm glad you liked it. As for Luthor, =X

Bob: Lol... yeah, that Clark and his blondes... though CJ actually ended up with a strawberry blonde... : devil:

And yeah, Clark got his revenge... and glad the different alias worked, =)

And I like Lois going for the story over her cover too. Too bad Pam had already had them kiss instead though, (<3 the alphabet series, =D)

And there's more Lex in the next chapter ~.^

Crazy_Babe: I'm glad you liked it, I certainly had fun with it, =)

Elisabeth: I'm glad it worked. =)

Michael: hehe, I have to do *something* to surprise you between betaing and posting... ~.^ And the 'wait until they stop firing' was from a suggestion by Nancy, =)

BJ: Hmm to Lex, =X As for the chicken comment, I think it was more likely that Perry heard about it from Jimmy or even saw it when Jimmy dragged it out in the middle of the newsroom... but this Lois just knows her boyfriend wouldn't dare embarrass her like that, ~.^ He does save her in the episode and it is what gets him hired. But it was very fun to have Lois' reactions to Clark and Toni. =)

And now off to post 29

Sara "Lieta"