FDK goes here smile .

Ah yes. It's done.

Thank you again to everyone!

SED, the next fic in this series, will be posted before too long. I'm thinking probably after Kerth voting ends. Because I'm going to have reading to do too wink . Hopefully by then I'll have enough of a buffer that I can post fairly frequently, even if not daily wink .

That said...

Below are the previews. Some of the chapters aren't numbered and that's because I did skip some because it wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote some later stuff. And, of course, it's all subject to change... And not just chapter numbers wink .

Chapter 1
I wasn’t sure what woke me up.

I didn't open my eyes.

I didn't need to.

Her body was warm against mine, her arm around my waist holding me close to her. I sighed happily and pulled the covers a bit closer around us. The fire had long since died out and she'd often said that I was better than any water bottle. We tended to keep the temperature fairly low, giving us more reason to use body heat.
Chapter 3
I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the back of the chair. This was a living nightmare.

"What do you want to do, Clark?" Lois asked quietly.
She left and I looked at Lois.

"So what do we do?" I asked her.

She sighed. "I have no idea."
Chapter 4
There were cheers and whistles from those around and suddenly I found myself being dipped.

And kissed.

She nodded and curled up on the chair. I set my plate on the table next to it. "What do you want to drink?"

"Jack Daniels? Wild Turkey? Moonshine?"

I groaned. I knew she didn't drink, not with the history of alcoholism in her family. But I also wished alcohol affected me at the moment.

"Milk? OJ?"

"Coffee," she said with a sigh. "With lots of real sugar and cream."
Chapter 6
She rested her head on my shoulder as we waited for the elevator. "This really is wonderful, Clark."

"I hope you still think so when we get to the room. I couldn't afford to get one of the really nice ones for the whole time we're here."

She kissed me. "I don't care if we're in Canada or your room at the farm, as long as we're together."

My eyes twinkled at her. "Well, I'm sure I could get my money back."

She smacked me lightly as we stepped into the elevator. "Not a chance, mister."
Chapter ??
"But that doesn't mean you two get to recreate your honeymoon." Perry's southern drawl pulled me out of my well-disguised shock. "You're undercover as honeymooners, but you're really on a stake-out. Capice?"

"Got it, Perry," Clark said. I could hear something in his voice.
Chapter ??
I chuckled. "As you wish."

"Got that right, Westley."


"From 'Princess Bride'."

"So now I'm the Dread Pirate Roberts, am I?" I asked, squirting some of the shampoo into my hand.
Chapter ??
I groaned. "I bet Mom and Dad are worried sick. Do you know where my phone is?"

He shook his head. "Not a clue. But I told them that I thought about seeing if you wanted to go away this weekend and hang out. They probably figure that we did."
Thanks again everyone!
