This is an awesome story, which works brilliantly as gfic, but which is even more moving and gripping as an nfic. The reason is that in this fic, sex is the chief means for two would-be soulmates to communicate. Alisha's nfic scenes are very low on physical details and very high on emotional content.

I love how deeply Clark is affected by his lovemaking with Lois. He likes being with Mayson and enjoys showing her affection, but when Lois shuts him out of her bedroom, he is so bothered and troubled by this that he can't hide his feelings from Henderson. Also, Clark has started treating Lois so much more like a cherished woman and so much less like a cheap sex toy, but this is a lot more evident in the nfic version.

For now, Lois and Clark are happy together when they meet for sex - no, make that lovemaking. But they always meet in secret. No one must know. How long can they hide their feelings for each other from the world? And how long can Clark go on playing his game with Mayson?
