Yay, another chapter!

If this were a Lois and Clark tale, with them being married to each other, and Jonathan had a heart attack or something, and Clark had to return to Smallville to take care of the farm, I'd say Lois would give up everything in her life to move to Smallville with Clark. Why? Well, cause it's Lois and Clark and their bond is so tight, that the change in venue wouldn't really changes things too much.

With Lois and Chad, I still don't get the sense that they're "in love" with each other. I think they got together when they were quite young, and for a lack of better words, don't know what life would be like without each other. That being said, I can't see this Lois giving up everything in her life in the long-term for Chad. I don't see their connection being strong enough to overcome Lois' feelings of isolation and longing for life back in Metropolis.

For me, it's not just Lois and Chad's differences in terms of location preferences, but also lifestyle preferences as well. I can see Chad wanting to settle down and have kids, but even with this mellow version of Lois, I can't see her having a white picket fence life (in Smallville no less) and being happy about it. I see this couple as being well-suited at one point in their lives, but now, their lives are leading them on different and separate roads.

I'll have to wait and see how you take things from here smile . I've been very wrong before in my hypotheses. smile

It'd be interesting to see how Clark is handling the DP without a partner by his side. I always wondered in the show how Clark would have managed to get his job done without Lois helping him (i.e. would being Superman give him enough time to write good articles without Lois there to pick up the slack?)

Also, at least in the show, Lois was always Clark's anchor to Metropolis. Without her there, does Clark still feel like Metropolis is home, or is he feeling home-sick with Chad, Lois, and Rachel gone.

Lastly (and then I'll shut up), I still get the foreshadowing sense whenever Rachel enters the story. The way Lois is always amazed at how Rachel and Clark could remain friends after their break-up, seems to give Lois hope that even if she and Chad don't make it, they too could remain good friends.
