Wow. Not what I was expecting!

It seemed a bit weird to me that Lois emptied out her whole apartment. I would think she'd keep it for now (as she's not paying rent in Smallville) until she knows that Smallville is for her. Instead of quitting, it would make more sense, at least to me, that she take a leave of absence. I'm viewing this as a trial basis, but her actions in this chapter seemed very much permanent.

Also, I think it was in the previous chapter, Lois argued that Chad lived in Metropolis for a couple of years, and therefore, she could try to live in Smallville for a couple of years. It can't be good for a new start to have a countdown already in her head.

I get the feeling that Lois is doing this for all the right reasons, but it still won't be enough. She belongs in Metropolis at the DP.

I hope to write more at the next installment. smile