Writing has gone very well so far this weekend (to the chagrin of my husband who was hoping I'd spend less time at the computer and more helping him clean), so I may post the next part tomorrow since I have off.
Normally I'd be jumping up and down about this. But, I have a big exam coming up at the end of the month (cross your fingers for me), that will force me to limit my online time. Oh well. This fic is worth it. smile I'll check in tomorrow.

I guess this goes with something grinch said about this fic being very "real" - in real life, things rarely end perfectly. I don't see a way this fic is going to either. I'm just going to have to settle for an imperfect resolution...
I think if you were going to give us the happily ever after ending (I think Tank was referring to Lois and Clark getting together and Chad and Rachel at the curb), it would be totally unrealistic especially with the amount of chapters you have left. As I've said previously, I don't know how I want this to end, and I will leave it in your hands. But, I DO KNOW that I don't want Lois and Clark together and in love at the end of this story. With all of Lois and Clark's emotional baggage, their relationship would be nothing but doomed at this stage. That I don't want.

I find this story to be so fresh for this very reason. You've used characters who we love together and know they're meant to be together. But, you've written these versions so well, and so in-depth, that I'm not forcing them to this fate. These versions may not be each other's romantic soul mates, but yet, they're still good for each other. It is this new take on two complex characters that I love, that keeps me coming back (even with my impending exam smile )