Okay, Michael. You have officially lost all rights to call me evil. I think you may even have lost all rights to call Carol evil - and that's saying something! I mean, neither of us have ever finished a story with an evil ending.

I can't believe you did this. I kept watching the scroll bar on my screen and thinking "How is he going to wrap this up? We're getting closer and closer to the end and Lois still hasn't realized that Clark is Superman." And then she went and sent him off to New Krypton without knowing.

How could you end the story this way? How could you? It's just so... well really, there is no word for it but evil.

And you could have redeemed yourself slightly if the sequel was already written and you were going to start posting soon, but we have to wait for it? This is like some sort of torture device.

You might try applying to some TV network and offer to write the end of season episodes - because this may just be the best cliff-hanger ending ever.