It's DONE! The monster is DONE!

Yeah, so it needs a few edits here and there, but IT'S DONE!!!

party party party party party party party party

Someone [I can't find the email now - someone's g-ma, IIRC] had emailed me that she was reading and suggested Clark proposing would be a great end. GMTA because that's what I had planned for a very long time.

Hope you guys have enjoyed the ride. I know I have [most of the time - there were times I wanted to throw the whole thing across a room!]

I don't even begin to know how to thank Alisha, Beth and Nancy how have been absolutely amazing BRs. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I'd hoped to put a bunch of favorite quotes from Unanswered Prayers in here, but that's not going to happen - maybe later I'll be able to. [You know the ones that are completely out of context and make you go "AHHHHHH".]

But for now here's snippets from the first 5 chapters...

Unanswered Prayers Preview

Chapter 1

It had been an amazing night.

Filled with long, slow lovemaking to the man I loved more than life itself.

The father of my sons.

My husband.

The man who had finally realized that he loved me.

That he wanted to be with me.

That his grandparents had been right.

Love isn't who you can live with – we'd been doing that in some fashion for years – but who you can't live without – and Clark had finally realized that he couldn't live without me.

I hesitated slightly, reminded of the last time we'd made love before this trip to the cabin. In a split-second, I was turned, lying next to her, my feet propped up next to hers. "I'll spend the rest of my life letting you do that," I promised her.

"Then I'll let you spend the rest of your life doing it," she said with a yawn. "You still have a lot to make up for though."

"I know," I told her honestly. I did.

"I mean," she said, turning and sliding under the covers, "you never have taken me to Mt. Everest. And it's been a while since you made me breakfast in bed."

I moved behind her, wrapping her in my arms, pulling her close to my chest, my body curled around hers. "I'll do whatever you want to make it up to you."

"Oh I know. And I'm sure I'll have a list for you eventually," she murmured as she neared sleep. "But the first thing..." her voice trailed off.

"What's that?"

"I know I might almost like her, but don't ever mention your ex-girlfriend's name while we're naked together."
Chapter 2

"That's something I wanted to talk to you and Dad about. Lois and I have already talked about it a little bit, but what about the whole superhero thing? I help when and where I can but it seems like so little... Especially compared to what Van-El is doing or what we could do together at a major disaster or whatever."

Mom sighed. "We figured this conversation was coming. It's up to the two of you. Lois and the boys will be a lot more affected than we will. How many nights will you not be home because of some emergency? How many birthday parties might you miss? Things like that."

"I've thought about that," I said honestly. "I think it would be a lot easier for both of us if there were two of us. I mean, we take a family vacation to DisneyWorld or something and Van would know I'm not available. Ashley has a baby and he wants to take a week off, I cover more. School play? Same thing. Like an on-call doctor type thing or something. Trade nights or weeks or something like that."

Mom nodded slowly. "That might work better than if there was just one of you, that's for sure. When you decide let me know and I'll help with a costume or whatever you need."

"Let's do it," Lois said suddenly.
Chapter 3

The three of us traipsed downstairs while they changed. The two of them beat us to the living room.

"Show off," I mumbled.

Clark grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back to him. "I'll show off for you later," he whispered in my ear.

Bernie coughed and turned bright red – about the same shade I was sure I was, knowing he'd heard what Clark said.

Clark just looked at him and grinned. "Hey, no eavesdropping on my private conversations with my wife."
Chapter 4

Tears had filled her eyes.

"Oh, honey," I whispered. "I'm so sorry I hurt you so badly." I brushed the hair off her face, tangling my fingers in it as I stroked her cheekbone with my thumb. "I did notice – looking back, I mean. At the time, I tried not to think about it much at all, but I think, deep down, I knew."

A few tears escaped despite her valiant efforts to keep them in. I brushed them away and pulled her close to me. "It's okay to let it out," I told her. "The last few days have been an absolute whirlwind and I don't think you've let it out at all, have you?"

She shook her head against me as the tears began to flow in earnest. I didn't know how long I held her there, letting her sob against me, a few tears of my own leaking out as I realized again how close I'd come to losing everything that mattered to me, everything that made life worth living. It scared me again to realize how much of my well-being was wrapped up in one small brunette whirlwind.
Chapter 5

"Should we tell my Dad?"

My brow furrowed. "Tell your Dad what? The whole truth about us?"

Sam didn't know that we weren't entirely certain Christopher was my son though he had a pretty good idea about the true nature of our relationship over the last three and a half years.

She shrugged. "Maybe, but I meant about you."

"What about me?"

She took a deep breath. "The whole Kryptonian thing."

I sat in stunned silence for a minute. The thought of telling *anyone* scared me, but my father-in-law? Telling him that an alien was doing his daughter? Where had that phrase come from?
Thanks again everyone!
