First thing!! Change your indicator to a blue arrow. I almost missed the story!! wink

Hey, Darcy. Good to see you around here.

What were Carol’s requests and things she didn’t want in the stories. I think those are fun.

*The woman must live on Energizer batteries,* Lois thought. *She just keeps going, and going . . .*
Man, I wish I had her energy!

Movements out of the corner of her eye made Lois turn her head. Clark was walking toward her. *He'd better not do what I think he's going to do,* Lois thought to herself in vain. Clark grabbed the potato dish from her nerveless fingers, gently set it on the table just to her right, and--quick and soft--put his lips on hers.

Sweet story, Darcy.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~