Ah, that was sweet. Maybe a tad too bittersweet for me. It reminds me of all those years when I read the Superman comics and there seemed to be moments like this one all the time. 'Maybe next year. Maybe next year I'll tell her. Maybe next year I'll really show her my love.' But he never did, not until John Byrne gave the caped hero an extreme makeover and essentially turned him into another person. It took the extreme makeover Superman only three years to propose to Lois. But the Superman I grew up with never did. (Well, technically he did in the end, after Jimmy and Perry and Lana had been killed, and Clark's Superman identity had been exposed, and he had lost his powers and his job as a reporter. But he didn't propose to her until his life as Superman and Clark Kent was completely and finally over.)

Now that's bittersweetness, not entirely unlike this fic.
