Good part, and lovely portraits of Clark, Matt and Martha, as usual. And Officer Zymak was great, too.

But I found myself losing patience with Jed Peterson and his superiors. How can they be so uninterested in and skeptical about what Clark has to tell them about Thomas Timmons? How can Peterson ask Clark for proof? Proof! It's up to the police to find the necessary proof, when the public or the media tip them off! My goodness! If the police had been this inept and blatantly stupid in real life, and so many people had been killed, and the police had just dismissed it all by saying that a homeless person had obviously been solely responsible for everything and now that he is dead the danger is obviously over...and anyone who objects to this beautiful truth is a pain in the neck and should be treated as such... well, if that had happened in real life, I wouldn't blame the public for demanding a very public humiliation for the police chief in question! If these things had happened for real, and the public had been told how the police had obstructed and done their best to stop the stopping of the killer, then Jed Peterson and his superiors should be at best dishonorably discharged - fired, I mean - and at worst sent to jail for deliberately endangering the safety of the public! mad
