"I'm fine," she whispered back, "but if that last kick was any indication, these kids are going to be just like their father.
Let’s hope they are like their daddy.

"I was just thinking," Lois said, "whoever buys *this* house has no idea that they'll be buying from a superhero."
Oh, my gosh... It took me a minute to get this. The bust of Shakespeare did it. And I read right over the “Mary-Jane” in the first section the first time I read this.

As usual, Mary, this was a great story.

I stopped reading all comics and sold my 1000+ piece collection.
I stopped reading when they killed Superman. I always thought that was just stupid.

I totally missed the bit about the heroin addict as I don’t remember reading about Speedy. But Lara Joelle mentioned he was part of the Teen Titans, so maybe I did and just don’t remember...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~