Hello everyone! *waves frantically*

Heh. I really should work on being more subtle. smile Thanks Elisabeth. Glad to know it felt real. Thanks for the fdk.

Hi CP33! I'm sorry it was hard... but, yay, cuz that's what I was going for. smile Awww, what a compliment that I kept them in character. Thanks so much!

Hi Ann. I'm glad you enjoyed the flying scene. In my mind it was spectacular. I'm glad you enjoyed them getting everything out in the open. Thanks for the comments.

Hey there Jen! LOL *dies laughing* I can always count on you for a good laugh. laugh Table of Contents... hmm... I'll have to remember that for my next fic wink Yes... lick their wounds... exactly. Thank you!

Hi Amberlea. I do too. I like Lois revelations where she figures it out herself, too, but let's face it... they did that on the show. Sometimes it's fun to let Clark be brave and bold and do the revealing. Thanks for the fdk.

Hi Michael. Hee hee. Sorry. Didn't anyone warn you? At one time they gave me some sort of angst crown back in my heyday when I was writing more. Glad to know I still have the touch. smile Happy ending? Hmmm... again, hasn't anyone told you about my stories? I just abhor happy endings wink Thanks so much for the fdk.

Hi Laura! Drat - I hate that. I shall locate the Tinman immediately and send you on your way to see Oz. We can't have you without your heart. smile Thanks Laura.

Hello there Kelly. Ooooh, an escape during exams? I'll see what I can do for you. Hope your exams go well! *fingers crossed*

Hi SJH! LOL! Yes, shame on her! How could she not be wooed out of her senses by that flight over Paris. Heh.

Thank you all so much! I can't believe there's just one part left. I've been having so much fun! Thanks for all the lovely fdk and comments. See you all soon!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.