Hi everyone! *waves*

Glad to give you something to wake up for, Michael. lol

Hi Bob. I didn't do it and you can't prove nothin... oh wait... lol smile Glad you're enjoying it.

Hi cp33. Man... killing... torture... didn't realize I was so mean. lol Awww, aren't you sweet to ask for more than 9 parts... but alas, no, I think 9 shall be it. Thanks!

Hi Ann! Heh - I knew you'd be irritated with Martha. But he's her only son and I could just so see her being all protective of him like that. smile Claude may surprise you yet... or maybe not. Heh. Thanks.

Hi Jen! Hee hee... glad you liked that last line. smile Yeah, I don't have too many friends that would fly the red-eye for me either. Heh. Thanks for the fdk!

Oh, hello again Michael! Ooooh, I like your guessing. wink Thanks for the comments!

Hi Laura! More kissing? I'll see what I can do. smile But it may go downhill before it comes up. Heh. Thanks for the fdk and comments!

Hi Elisabeth! Awww, aren't you sweet! You mean you aren't sick of me yet?

Thanks so much guys! Sorry my replies weren't longer this time... I'm pressed for time but I just had to come reply and say thank you! C-ya again soon!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.