All he knew was that there were tears stinging his own eyes as Lois cried against him, and he had no idea whether he was crying because he was happy or sad.
I love this sentence too, just as Irene said, because it's just the way that I feel too. Tank may have predicted this, Yvonne, but *I* sure didn't. I was sobbing right along there with L&C, my heart breaking as they were giving up Jon, and I was as shocked as they were when CK made his announcement. And I think it's the right decision, but I do feel dreadfully sorry for CK, going back to face the loneliness of his life and right now he'll see all the boxes that he'd just brought to his apartment filled with Jon's stuff... whinging oh, dear... what about that cloning idea...

Beautifully written, and thanks for the tissue warning. I definitely needed it...


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5