FDK goes here smile .

Posting Schedule [ET]:

Friday: Chapters 64 and 65, 9-10am [forgot Grandma's coming over to make cookies so earlier it is wink probably about this time]

Saturday: Chapters 66 and 67, 10-11am

Sunday: Chapters 68 and 69, after 3pm

I just broke out the calendar and given the anticipated number of chapters in the sequel, Unanswered Prayers, and the anticipated number of chapters here, I *have* to start posting daily *now* if I'm going to make it by the end of the year.

Hope that's okay with all of you...

Of course, that means I need to get UP done here real quick [because it's a lot closer to done and I'm already in that 'space'] and get back to OTOH by next week so I don't run out of buffer [which I still have quite a bit of but which runs out much faster with a daily posting schedule instead of a EOD schedule].


Chapter 64

I drove home happy about my first day at work. I thought I would at least sort of enjoy it most of the time even though it wasn't reporting. I'd made a couple of new friends – even if one of them did think 'CK is the bomb'.

I wondered how Clark had fared with Christopher. We'd both planned on being home, which meant that his care would fall to me. I didn't mind. He was my son and I loved him very much, but I did wonder at what point Clark was going to step up – privately; he was fine around others, though the care still fell mostly to me, which was understandable as a nursing mother – and be a father or if he was just going to ignore my son as much as possible until he managed to escape.

I pulled up near our side of the house and went inside. The door between our room and the nursery was open and I saw Clark sitting there, in the glider, with Christopher snuggled against his shoulder.

Maybe he was stepping up.
Chapter 65

"I was adopted," I said quietly, startling all of them. "But I'm not sure that my situation would help you any."

"Why is that?" Billy asked.

I glanced at Lois and launched into the official story. "So, my parents knew who my birth parents were but there was no family left or anything. There was no birth parents to keep in contact with, no grandparents to get medical history from or anything like that."

"My brother was adopted," Jimmy said suddenly. "An open adoption would have saved his life."
