Hello everyone! I'm so glad you're all still speaking to me. LOL. smile Don't worry, Paris hasn't lost ALL of it's appeal yet. Oh, and it will be mentioned later, but Claude is not "THE" editor-in-chief... he is an underling, a junior chief. That's why Lois didn't know he was at the Planet in Paris. She was supposed to report to a different man... as you'll see soon. smile But it's bound to get interesting, isn't it?

Thanks for sticking with me - hope you're still enjoying the story and I hope you don't come after me with pitchforks on the next couple of posts. wink

Thanks for the fdk everyone! I really appreciate it. It's felt so good to stretch my LNC legs again. smile

-- DJ

Oh, and Ann, I was thrilled to death to see pictures. Hee hee... it's been a while since something has sparked picture fdk. smile

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.