Once again, sorry to be so late to the party... another great part!
“I did. I swear!” Jacob said.
I am so glad you remembered Clark's promise to Jacob. I had forgotten. This was a favorite part. clap
My name is Susan Nyugen, and I represent the Superman Foundation.
Go Susan! Too bad Lois and Susan didn't get a chance to say goodbye to each other. Come to think of it, Lois didn't get a chance to visit her family's graves one last time either... frown Still, Lois didn't really have a choice but to jump when she had the chance. I'm sure she'll still remember her original family even with her alt-family, and I'm sure they'll still remember their Lois.

I wonder if Susan has an analogue in Clark's world, and if she knew the Lois of that world? Maybe they were roommates at Met. U instead of Columbia. She would be good at running the Superman Foundation there, too. wink
If she was going to live as Lois Lane, she might as well start getting into character now. Lois smirked slightly.
Lois still thinks she's playing a role! Maybe some day it will sink it that she always was Lois Lane, even before she met Clark and went back to his world with him...
Glancing back she could see the location of the rift by the differences in the windows. Those on the forward side were brightly lit from below, while those on the other side were shrouded in darkness.
This part was spooky!
A moment later people in the crowd were pointing upward, where a plane seemed to be hovering in midair a thousand feet or more above them in defiance of all known laws of physics.
I love the "Superman Returns" reference here. clap
Trust Dr. Ledderman to fall in love with his own reflection.
I hope folks don't think that all or even most scientists are this narcissistic. Self-aggrandizement is actually frowned-upon in the scientific community: Carl Sagan was severely criticized at first for his efforts at outreach and education because it was viewed as that kind of behavior (now he's honored for what he did). Scientists like Dr. Ledderman actually tend not to do very well, because science is a group effort.

That's not to say that there aren't titanic egos involved sometimes...

If you want a stereotype, Dr. Klein is closer to what most scientists I know are like. But why not read some real scientists's blogs at ScienceBlogs and find out for yourself? (The blog roll is down the left hand side).

Shayne, like everyone else I hope you will take a few chapters more to wrap things up in a leisurely manner. We want details! grovel grovel grovel Hang in there just a bit longer!