One to two more chapters perhaps.
This part was fantastic! A desperately needed cautionary message to our world from fifteen years in the future. Most people don't understand that the IPCC consensus view is very conservative and cautious due to input from politicians, and things could easily be much, much worse. The IPCC consensus is nearly a best case scenario.

Now Clark really needs to go home. In 1993, he can nip so many of today's problems (global warming, terrorism) in the bud, whereas if he stays, his own world will go the way the new Clark's did, and with no Superman to save it. And now there's a Lois and Clark who can (no choice, really) stay in "our" world, and maybe save it, too.

Lois would be leaving her birth world behind forever, but she'd gain alt-Lucy and her alt-parents, and a chance to make a huge difference in Clark's world. Plus I'd love to see Lois meet Lana. devil

I also have a feeling that if Lois does go back to Clark's world, she's going to be looking up Bruce Wayne and asking some pointed questions. Someone with his wealth could make a huge difference in solving the problems that world will be facing, that Clark 2's world has already faced and bungled, much more so than just by running around dressed as a bat fighting crime and corruption on a local level. Maybe she can blackmail him into bankrolling alternative energy. laugh And maybe Mr. Smith was right about Clark doing his part on that, too.

Please keep it coming!