
Shayne, you are indeed a gold medalist when it comes to "reader incentives" at the end of your chapters. You've guaranteed that everyone who reads this offering will pound their computer desks and shout, "Tell me what happens next!"

The action was outstanding. We didn't see much of Lois here, but what we did see was most important. She's all but told Clark that she's in love with him, and he'll probably realize it if the rifts ever slow down.

I'm wondering if this latest rift is a time jump as well as a universe jump. If so, that would mean that this Clark and the passengers on the plane (and the plane itself) are already in this reality. And if they're here for a second time, what does that do to the timelines of all these universes? Remember the passenger pigeons? They had to come from somewhere, and maybe they came from a different when also.

Whatever! This is a very tense story, Shayne, and I was literally bouncing in my chair as I read about the plane, the van, and the church. Now maybe our Clark can save all three groups - with a little help from his new friend.

Who is that flying man, anyway?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing