Lucy is, IMO, acting as a typical teenager and I can't blame her. With all the changes in her life and not knowing what's going to happen, all of a sudden not having your sister around as much, has got to be difficult. But I know she will later on appreciate everything Lois and Clark are doing for her now.

I never before thought about how awkward it would be for Lucy to be home alone with a perfect stranger btu I am glad she has gotten to know Clark better and even started to like him. smile

Jaxon came as another surprise! LOL Are you trying to squeeze in as many characters from LnC as possible?

I do hope Lois and Lois will be able to spend some time together over the summer, and I am looking forward to your introduction of Jimmy. Should be coming up or is that a year later? Either way, I am sure I won't have to wait long. wink

Good luck with with the hospital visit and do keep us posted!
