I found some of Lois' thoughts to be particularly interesting in light of the overall story line presented. Way back in this story I was struggling with the way Lois reacted. My initial response was that pretty much all of Lois' actions were an overreaction to her discovery that Clark had been lying to her. As a consequence I was having trouble accepting this as a real, complete interpretation of Lois. (That was also when my angst-o-meter kept firing off.) However, as I have become more familiar with the Lois of this story, I have come to see her as a quite believable character. She is someone that is a bit more reactionary and a bit less self-assured than my typical image of Lois. (I really do think she's bipolar.)

I actually think that her “waiting for Clark to walk” thoughts in this chapter are completely consistent with a Lois that would have done all the somewhat extreme actions that were covered in earlier chapters.

So, I guess what I am saying is that I believe you have created a believable, if somewhat more angsty, vision of Lois. Nicely done. clap

And finally, is is good to see them finally using words to communicate instead of fight.

As always, I look forward to the next chapter.
