I really admire how you managed to post this frequently with everything else going on your life and I am so grateful for it! To be honest, there were some parts that were difficult to bear due to the content, and longer breaks would have probably stopped me from reading on, but being able to follow with a new part quickly, certainly kept the hope alive. wink

I am sorry I stopped commenting after the whole rape by Lex business but I needed some distance. I didn't stop reading though and I am glad I didn't. This is your story to tell and from what I understand, this Lex thing was one of the first story parts you wrote. I admit I didn't like, simply because Lois has already been through so much, it could last several lifetimes. And it made me sad. For Lois, for Clark, for me. I hate setbacks! thumbsup

I did enjoy their returning to Metropolis and the scenes with Lucy and Jimmy. Every Lex mention made me cringe but I got over it. It is Clark's child. Please let it at least be his biological child! I am waiting for Jon to float or something, as proof. LOL

It is amazing the ground you cover in the final parts without rushing too much. I wouldn't mind at all if you kept dragging out the ending. Only part left? Sure, the villains are gone but for me there is still a lot of stuff that needs to be resolved. I am eagerly looking forward to more, and it is good to know that you will be following with the Lucy story!

Hope your son is getting better! You are in my thoughts.