This inquiring newbie wants to know- how lame is it to respond to your own fanfic challenge?
Not much, I hope, for I've done it too goofy

As for FDK:

I have to admit it confused me a bit. I didn't quite understood what happened in Mayson's office, and I was really not in the mood to use a dictionary. If I got it right, a cat destroyed Mayson's research or something? confused

I liked what happened when the situation was unspooled though.

He held her close, ignoring Mayson’s sputtered questions and exclamations.

“Is it contagious?!”

That was one of them.

“Should I call…a shrink?”

That was another.

“Poisonous gas?”

Still more, and he really couldn’t blame her.

“Do you have to hold her so close?”

That last one a little bitter sounding.
LOL! I liked this point a lot.

Anyway, I'll see ya.

What we've got here is failure to communicate...