This is turning out to be one of the most interesting fics we've had the pleasure to read. Not only is the idea so very original, but Shayne's ability to 'make it real' for us is remarkable.

I think more than any other instalment, this one shows us that 'super heroes' couldn't exist in 'real' world like ours.

In order for a super hero to exist you need a world that is a bit more innocent. But mostly you need a world that can trust. Individuals can choose to trust, but large organizations, bureacracies, and governments can't. It's the nature of the beast. They all have to build in 'checks and balances' in order to function because there is no trust.

Agent White's comments and the questions from the committee really point this out.

I don't know what Shayne ultimately has in mind for Clark and Superman, but whatever it is, if this Superman stays here, he can never be like the Superman of fiction. We're just not wired that way.

Tank (who had some examples in mind to point out the trust issue but didn't want to accidently turn the thread into a political debate)