Gobsmacked, absolutely gobsmacked!

I actually have adrenaline running over the ideas you presented here.

I have a question, though. Why do insurance companies have satellites? And what do the satellites do?

I can just see what would happen if one of the satellites turns out to be a spy satellite. One vaporised hunk of metal coming down.

Also, if the energy from the solar satellite could be used to distabilize a hurricane, couldn't it also be used to keep Florida's citrus crops from getting frostbite? AND... if it can do that, why couldn't it be used to offset La Niña. Of course, messing around with the Earth's weather like that could have serious repercussions that they can't even guess at until it has already happened.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!