Well, phew. You didn't hit me.

You also didn't seem to think this was too sudden, so that's a relief, too. I wanted to move the story along, but I also didn't want it to feel rushed.

A few points to answer:

Maybe this is in fact the right decision, but I don't like it. I may not have a better solution - honestly, I don't have a better solution - but I still don't like it.
I know exactly what you mean, Kathy. I'm not sure I like it either, but then I'm not sure if there is a solution we *will* like. (/me thwaps herself yet again for coming up with this story idea).

If Mr. Wells knows the future of both universe. What the purpose of letting CK have control of the machine that jump inter-dimentional? Unless that what Mr. Wells wanted
'Purpose' didn't really come into it, Maria. If you remember, CK virtually forced Wells to hand over the device.

Remember, you promised us a happy ending for everyone
I'm working on it, Trenna, I promise!

I realize there's probably a twist or two to even out the emotions at the end, but this was magnificently done.
Thank you! And you've been peeking into my hard disk, haven't you, Sherry? smile

Thanks to all of you for your continued support. I really do get a tremendous boost from reading all your comments, even if I'm a little tardy in replying to them.
