I agree. It was funny, well-paced, and worthy of a Kerth nomination come January (or whenever). And I hadn't considered Carol's viewpoint that it was a "tap dance" of a story, but it is. It's light without being silly, revealing, and the characterizations rang true - except, perhaps, the easy acceptance of Nigel's flimsy story. But that can be excused by Drayton not knowing that Clark and Lois are building an airtight case against Luthor and didn't want to take action too soon. Of course, we expect to see Mr. Drayton pop up again in another story, perhaps assisting Bobby Bigmouth? He probably wouldn't want to be a Temporarily Hired Underworld Goon again, even if he does get his own key card.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing